Wednesday, May 21, 2014


An engaging 2 months it has been since I've moved out here, and quite the experience to say the least. If ever there was a proverbial fire to be thrown into, I'd be lying if I said I came out unscathed, or if I've even left at all for that matter. Some of my all time biggest fears living here were squashed almost immediately, the largest of which being driving. Having kept with my employer from Florida, their offices are in White Plains, NY, whereas I reside in Brooklyn. Since the majority of you are my comrades from FL, the distance traveled between both cities equates to driving from South Miami to Boca; it is quite long. On a good day with minimal traffic, the commute is a solid 55 minutes (it's that accurate, practically every time), on the average day, it's a lengthy hour and a half.

And yes, that's both ways.

The job is doing what it's meant to do: provide a means of income to supplement my craft, and my overall enjoyability of New York (tends to get pricey here). But unfortunately it's becoming a bigger hindrance to my accomplishments that any job I've held before, and this is due predominantly to the fact that I'm devoting an extra 2 and a half to 3 hours for commuting a day, robbing me upwards of 15 hours a week; subsequently the roadways up here are far more enjoyable, loads of twists and turns and inclines and declines, potholes and bumps, change in elevation, you name it! So yeah, coupled with WNYC on the radio, it makes it fun, but definitely does not change the fact that I'm losing so much time in a week.

I still devote a considerable amount of time at night to work on my projects, but there isn't much time to absorb the city in the week, I'm usually left to do so in the 48 hours I have in the weekend; a tangible goal, but who wants to that forever?

But, all quips aside, I can't get enough of this place. The environment SCREAMS hustle! Every man for himself but every New Yorker for their fellow New Yorker. As much as there is to loathe there is plenty still to humble yourself and admire. This is a beautifully crafted city, ugly in all the right places, many of which are blatantly visible to the public, all the while seamlessly and effortlessly incorporated into the very fabric of this culture. In time I hope to happily leave my current employment with a better and more career oriented job op, especially one where I can stay in New York City.

As far as projects are concerned, I'd like to utilize this time to talk a little about Supercon and what I plan to bring to the table. Literally.

Issue 3 of Periphery is still under way, however the release period has been set for Fall. There's still plenty work to do before that book is finished, and welp, it won't see the light of day for Supercon unfortunately. Upon Issue 2's completion, I was dead set on showing up this year with guns blazing, but with the move north and my trip to Trinidad (which was dope by the way, I've got pics, will share later) smack dab in the middle of it all, that cost me a few weeks of work time, but I'm not complaining.

Instead, I've decided to do not only one, but TWO new 12-page Issue Zero books to supplement Issue 3! Check em'! That's three titles with 4 books between them! Well above my singular Issue One from 2013, and far more exciting for the turn around!

There's Periphery's Issue One and Two, Issue Zero of KODA, my collaboration with Jorge Benitez, and another book which will be revealed the day of; my table is gonna be stacked! And I'm beyond stoked! I ought to be handling prints all through June in time for the convention, I really really hope to see you cats there!

Beyond Supercon, I'm eying entry for New York Comic Con this year. Outside of the ridiculously priced tables for artist (300 bones for a single, 500 for a 6 footer), there's a... how to say it... evaluation process? One does not simply buy there way into NYCC. According to the website, they're to contact all artists that signed up in something like June or whatever, so I'm not really holding my breath; I get in, fuckin' A right! I don't, welp, next year. I'll only hang up my comic cape once I've participated in at least THAT convention. 

Maybe. I don't know.

Anywho. To all of you, a huge thanks, as always, and I hope all is well!


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